Trading with DiNapoli Levels,

It's trading with leading indicators.
Leading indicators show you where support and resistance is likely to appears before the market gets there.

Using these techniques will help you buy dips in an advancing market or sell rallies in a declining market.

DiNapoli trading technique also uses pre-calculated profit objectives and stop placement points.

Trading with DiNapoli Levels book is divide in THREE parts.

Part1. Introduction

You will learn:

  • The trading methods.
  • The requirements and basics rules
  • Components of the successfull trading approach.

Part2. The Context

You will learn:

  • To analyze the tendancy.
  • The directionals indicators

Part3. DiNapoli Levels

You will learn:

  • The basics of Fibonacci analysis.
  • DiNapoli Levels
  • How to trade with DiNapoli Levels
  • How to avoid typical errors

Fig.1 DiNapoli Profits Objectives
Fig.2 DiNapoli Oscillator Predictor

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  • $5000 practice account.
  • Weekly report
  • A free One-On-One training session